Keep your skin smooth with these easy tips

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Keep your skin smooth with these easy tips

Many things keep our skin from being super smooth and healthy including exposure to the wind, pollutants, lack of moisture, and many more. Luckily though, there are things that you can do to get your skin back to its soft state and boost your self-confidence.

keep your skin smooth

1. Exfoliate 
Exfoliate 2-3 times a month. You can either use an exfoliator, scrubbing glow, or exfoliating scrub to remove the dead skin in the shower; this will encourage cell turnover and leave your skin smooth and soft.

2. Finish your showers with a moisturizer 
While still in the shower either rub your skin with an oil of your choice or use your moisturizer right after you finish your shower to seal in moisture.

3. Take warm showers not hot ones 
Extremely hot showers can strip your skin of its moisture, instead, take a warm bath and shorten the duration.

4. Hydrate 
Drink loads of water. Keeping yourself hydrated shows in your skin; the lack of hydration will make your skin look dull.

5. Get a humidifier
The winter weather dries out the skin, invest in a humidifier that will keep your home at a proper humidity level in wintertime.