Skin survival during summer

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Skin survival during summer

The scorching sun during the summer can be unforgiving for your skin. Not only can the rise in temperature and humidity take away your skin’s natural radiance and glow, but also show signs of dryness and uneven skin tone. The change in skin pigmentation is known as hyperpigmentation, and is caused by the excess production of melanin.

Skincare during summer must include using sunscreen protection and wearing hats and caps to protect the skin on your face, however that may not be enough to minimise the appearance of uneven skin tone. What you also need is the Fade cream from Palmer’s Skin Success range.

Palmer's Skin Success Fade Cream

The Palmer’s Skin Success range of face creams are formulated with potent, efficacious combinations of active tone-perfecting ingredients that can help minimise the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Skin Success Fade Creams

The unique formula in Palmer’s Skin Success Fade creams includes key ingredients to correct discolouration by specifically targeting areas of hyperpigmentation such as dark spots, age spots and uneven skin tone, while brightening the complexion of the skin and reducing signs of wrinkles.

The Songyi Mushroom Extract helps to boost skin radiance and brighten the complexion, the Niacinamide targets dark spots and discolouration, and Retinol targets melanin clusters in the skin surface and participates in cell turnover of pigmented skin cells. Also present is Cocoa butter, known for its moisturising and anti-inflammatory properties, Vitamin C, known for brightening the skin, and Licorice Extract known skin lightening benefits..

The Fade creams are available for Normal, Oily and Dry skin types for daily use. The Fade cream for Oily skin type includes oil absorbers for controlling the shine and leaving behind a matte finish on your skin. The Fade cream for Dry skin type includes enhanced moisturisers for deep nourishment of the skin.