Olive Oil contains naturally occurring vitamins and minerals which act as antioxidants protecting hair and skin from damaging free radicals.

Olive oil’s unique lipid structure is able to penetrate the hair shaft quickly to repair hair, and protect from future damage.

To get the full benefit, it is important to use Olive Oil in its purest form – Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the first cold pressing of the olive fruit. No heat or chemicals are used in this first extraction, which ensures the full vitamin and mineral content is left intact.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil comes from the first cold pressing of the olive fruit. No heat or chemicals are used in this first extraction. This ensures that the full vitamin and mineral content is left intact. Subsequent extractions lose potency exponentially, yielding a far less vitamin-rich oil. When it comes to Olive Oil, there is no substitute for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Peptides are proteins that help to build collagen which depletes as we age.  Peptides can help stimulate the production of syndecan-1, another biological chemical that helps bind skin cells together. Loss of this cellular adhesion is one of the benchmarks of ageing skin, so increasing cell adhesion means younger looking and feeling skin. 

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