Improve your skin care routine this New Year

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Improve your skin care routine this New Year

Happy New Year

A new year is an opportunity to look back at the year that has gone by and seeing the amount of growth that happened to you in that year. A new year is the first blank page of a 365-page book, so make sure you write a good one!

new year new skin

Growth means change, and a lasting change only happens through habits. Whether your goal is as mundane as starting a diet or as drastic as changing career lines or something completely different, you need to know how you are going to meet that goal. The road might get a bit bumpy, but you can make it when you break it down into small -achievable- steps.
Here is a small step-by-step guide that can improve your skincare routine this year.

Morning routine:

1. Cleanse
Cleansing your face removes dirt, oil, and any kind of unwanted residues. 
Knowing your skin type will make it easier for you to choose the perfect cleanser. If you have oily skin, you need a cleanser with a lower PH level. For dry skin steer clear from cleansers with high amounts of alcohol. People with sensitive skin could use basic cleansers that aren't fragrant.

2. Tone
A toner can do a lot to your skin; it's that extra step that makes all the difference in having a clear vibrant complexion.
In addition to removing the left-over residues that your face cleanser didn't remove, toners make your pores smaller, restore the natural PH of your skin, and help your skin make the most of the moisturizer and face treatments you use.

3. Moisturize
Daily moisturizing is vital for healthy skin. Choose a moisturizer with SPF 15 to protect your skin during the day.

Repeat these steps during the evening to maintain healthy and clear skin.

Weekly treatments

1. Face masks
If you have dry skin, try a cream or a sheet mask for extra hydration. For normal and oily skin, a clay mask is ideal as it draws out impurities from the pores as the mask dries and tightens. Use an all-natural mask for sensitive skin to avoid irritation.

2. Scrub 
Facial scrubs can be used by all skin types 1-3 times a week. Using a face scrub helps with the removal of blackheads, dead skin and to deeply cleanse pores.

Your mental health is as important as your physical health, and giving yourself a break now and then is vital for a happier you. Life can get very hectic, but it's important to find a way to fit some “me time” into your busy schedule. A great way to relax and unwind is to switch all of your electronics off for an hour or more if you can and do something that relaxes you. Remember to always take good care of yourself.

Happy new year, and happy new you!