Palmer’s Moisturizing Body Oil

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Palmer’s Moisturizing Body Oil

moisturing_body_oilSummer is well and truly here in the Middle East! The outdoor temperatures are soaring and soon making the short walk to your favorite local café is going to be next to impossible in this unbearable heat. I know, most of us, including myself, will start shopping for that perfect sunscreen lotion around this time of the year, however, let’s not forget, it is not only the skin on your face, arms, and legs that need protection.

Skin is the largest organ on our body and it is important to get into the routine for taking care of it, every single day. During summers, the harsh and hot breeze outside can dry your skin. And yet, inside the offices, malls, and cars, the cranked-up air conditions can further dry your skin out even more. However, there is an easier (and cheaper) way to resolve this than booking yourself a holiday to a country with a moderately cool climate.  And that’s a bottle of Palmer’s Moisturizing Body Oil sitting on your bathroom shelf.


What’s in this bottle?

This 250 ml bottle is part of my daily bath routine and sits close to my bathtub. It’s a moisturizing body oil, with the distinct Palmer’s Cocoa Butter fragrance, and is also enriched with Vitamin E. 

Benefits of the key ingredients include:

Cocoa Butter: A rich natural moisturizer that leaves skin soft and silky, transforming even the roughest, driest areas into buttery soft skin.

Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and imperfections on the skin, giving a more even and toned appearance.

It is lightweight, non-greasy, and a fast-absorbing oil that soothes away rough dry skin. It is the first product that I apply to my slightly damp skin after stepping out of the shower. It not only leaves my skin with a lovely light fragrance but also evens out any roughness on the elbows and knees.

Does it really work? My personal experience:

Sometimes products are difficult to judge whether they work or not, however, this is one successful product that I am thankful to have come across. 

I usually take hot quick showers every morning, and that means the back of my neck is always exposed to hot water. After a while, I noticed the skin on the back of my neck was getting rough, dry, and itchy. Eventually, I turned down the temperature of my morning showers and also tried applying various lotions to the dry part of my neck, however, there was no change in my skin. Fortunately, before any more damage could be done, I came across Palmer's Moisturizing Body Oil and religiously started applying it at the back of my neck after my morning showers. 

A few weeks later, I realized the damaged skin, no longer felt rough or dry and most certainly wasn’t flaking. From then on, I have made applying the Palmers Moisturizing Body Oil, a part of my daily after-shower routine, no matter how late I am in the mornings.

Other benefits

Apart from wonderful ingredients that make up the Palmers Moisturizing Body Oil, it is also important to note that they don’t have:

No Parabens- Used as preservatives, known to cause skin irritation

No Phthalates– Used as plasticizers, known to control the viscosity and emulsifying properties of beauty products, hence manipulating their texture and feel.

So, there you go. This hot weather beat the skin dryness right from the moment you step out of the shower. Oh, and of course, don’t forget to carry your bottle of water everywhere you go, to keep yourself and your skin well hydrated!