Summer Skincare Tips

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Summer Skincare Tips

In the heat of the summers, your skincare routine needs extra attention. Dealing with the sweat and the scorching heat of the sun is not going to be good for your skin. Here are four simple tips and suggestions for the best summer skincare you need:

Summer Skincare Tips

1.Using SPF regularly

If there is one easy routine you simply must stick to, it’s to use SPF every day. Using sunscreen and creams with SPF protects your skin from the harmful UV rays, which in turn protect your skin from signs of premature aging.

2.Don’t skip cleansing

Simply washing your face is not enough to clean your face. The hot and humid weather can leave the skin feeling greasy. Especially when you consider the sweat, the oil produced by our skin, the layers of sunscreen and/or makeup we might wear, and the city’s pollution. The skin under the face mask can be a particular problem area in the summer heat, and lead to acne. Double-cleansing using a cleanser such as the Palmer's Cocoa Butter Foaming Cream Cleanser helps with a deep cleaning to remove all traces of makeup, and dislodge oil-based products including pollutants.

3.Use hydrating products on the skin

You already know you need to be drinking more glasses of water during the hot months, but did you know you need to be hydrating your skin too? Avoid dry and dull-looking skin by opting for hydrating moisturizers and face oils, which are lightweight and provide long-lasting hydration, such as Palmers Skin Therapy Oil Face.

4.Add Vitamin C to your routine

Vitamin C is an ideal ingredient for all-year-round skincare, but even more during the summer. This is because, in summer, our skin is more exposed to UV light, and therefore more radicals. Vitamin C scavenges free radicals and helps protect your skin from sun damage and premature aging. Palmer’s Skin Success face cream is the perfect lightweight moisturizer infused with Vitamin C, to wear under your sunscreen.