Palmer’s Hair Food Original and Anti-dandruff

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Palmer’s Hair Food Original and Anti-dandruff

The hot weather, humidity, chlorinated water and other such extreme factors easily damage hair and cause it to lose its shine and strength. Palmers Hair Food  Jar is a product designed with a unique blend of essential oils, vitamins, and protein to help soften and condition the hair and scalp. This special formula is perfect for restoring shine to dull and lifeless hair. The formula also comes in an Anti-dandruff option, for treating dry and itchy scalp that usually results in dandruff.

hair food formula how to?

Ingredients- What’s in it?

The key ingredient in both the Palmers Hair Food Jars is Vitamin E. This vitamin aids in the hair's natural ability to repair the damage, in turn strengthening the follicle that allows hair to grow long and healthy. Other vitamins included in this range are vitamin A, important for lubricating the hair roots and preventing the hair from drying out, and vitamin D, necessary for creating new follicles where new hair can grow. There are also the essential oils included in the jars, known to be vital for growing your hair long while restoring any damage. Lastly, there is a protein also present amongst the ingredients, an essential element for preparing strong hair growth.

How to best use Palmer’s Hair Food?

To get the best results from using Palmer's Hair Food, this product needs to be applied on a completely clean scalp, therefore best to use a clarifying shampoo to remove all the prior build-up and residue from your hair. The second step would be to towel dry your hair. Take a coin-sized amount of Hair food and apply it in sections of the hair, starting from the roots to the hair tips. Ensure all of your hair is coated with the product. Work more of the product into your scalp by taking a golf-sized amount in your palms. Next, using a wide-tooth comb, comb your hair from root to tip to evenly distribute the product, and then tuck all of your hair under a plastic shower cap. Turn a blow-dryer onto a high heat setting and hover it above the shower cap continuously for 5 minutes. The heat will help the conditioning product to deeply absorb into your hair for lasting results. Lastly, turn off the blow-dryer and allow the conditioner to sit on your hair for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water until the water becomes clear. You may use shampoo if you feel the Hair Food product is still present in your hair. 

This product can also act as a leave-in conditioner and therefore a pea-sized amount of the product can be used for everyday styling.